We believe it is time for a change. Americans are looking for help and cannot wait for Healthcare Reform. With unemployment on the rise everyone could use a little extra help! Our philosophy is to help as many people as we can. Many people are truly out of time and need affordable healthcare. Prescription drug discount cards (also known as "consumer cards," "point of sale cards," and "100% co-pay" cards), allow prescription drug users to save money on all prescription medications. At the time of purchase, members simply present their card at a participating pharmacy to instantly receive substantial discounts on their prescription drugs. It's that easy.
Up To 80% Off
100% Free, No Credit Card Required
Up To 80% Off Brand Name Prescription Medications
No Enrollment Required
Virtually All Pharmacies Accept This Card
Everyone Qualifies
Print Card Immediately After Redeeming Your Offer
Show Your Card From any Smartphone